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Malaga To Marbella Transfer By Train – A Pocket Guide

Are you planning to take a trip to Marbella from Malaga? If so, you are in the right place with us!

Traveling between Malaga and Marbella, the two stunning destinations in Spain have never been easier. Thanks to the convenient and efficient train service, you can travel between the two cities in no time.

In this post, we will tell you everything you need to know about the Malaga to Marbella transfer by train.

How much does it cost to travel by train from Malaga to Marbella? 

When travelling between Malaga and Marbella, you may have to spend around $8.85 for your journey. However, prices can fluctuate, with some tickets going for as low as $7.75.

The good thing is that there are multiple departures available each day. On average, Malaga sees around 4 daily departures.

To get the train tickets at a cheap rate, book it in advance, especially if you can be flexible with your travel times. If you are up for a bit of an adventure, consider a connecting journey instead of a direct route so, you can save even more. Just make sure to double-check the ticket details before you commit because sometimes, those budget-friendly fares come with restrictions.

How long does it take to travel from Malaga to Marbella by train? 

The distance between Marbella and Malaga is around 29.47 miles. It usually takes about 1 hour and 0 minutes to reach your destination. However, keep in mind that travel times can vary due to factors like local events, weather conditions, or temporary route changes.

If you are looking for quicker options, consider express routes. It is worth noting that these might have specific days of operation or limited departure times. Additionally, you might find that making connections rather than taking a direct route could speed up your journey from Malaga to Marbella.

To sum it up, traveling by train from Malaga to Marbella offers a convenient way to reach your destination. With an average journey time of about 1 hour, you can enjoy the scenic route while avoiding the hassle of traffic. Just make sure to book your tickets in advance to avoid last minute rush.