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Experiencing infertility treatment

The very beginning of infertility treatment, the first steps along the way, is a huge event. And they have a huge impact on our emotions and well-being, because we are talking about the possibility of finally becoming parents. It’s especially important for women, because the thought of future motherhood will not give rest day or night. On the one hand it gives a tremendous surge of strength to fight for their child, on the other – the heightened feelings can lead to a state of constant anxiety.

A certain confusion in preparation for motherhood is normal because your psyche is preparing for the fact that you will think and care primarily about your baby, understand and feel his needs and respond to the slightest changes in his body and mood.

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The same is felt in fertility treatment, but with certain peculiarities. First, emotions are heightened to the limit, and you must learn to do something about it, otherwise your nerves just can’t take it.

This is not surprising, because usually hidden from everyone and goes unnoticed, the process of conception here is visible as in the palm of your hand. A lot of people pay attention to it: all the medical personnel are watching to see if you can conceive or not. At the same time during treatment, even in the best clinics no one can guarantee your success, which leads to a state of anxious waiting and increasing day by day tension.

Both partners experience tremendous pressure on the nervous system, and women go through this much more painfully. Serious problems and breakdowns begin when a woman tries to suppress these emotions, hide them from everyone or ignore them. All of this translates into violent tantrums, arguments with the person she loves to the point of accusing her of not being able to conceive a child, and often leads to depression.

Each woman experiences treatment in her own way. Some try to keep everything under control, including themselves, trying to maintain a mask of peace and well-being in the family. Someone reacts very violently, devoting literally everyone and everyone in his experiences and problems, throwing tantrums and sobbing into the pillow.

Often the inability to have a child of their own leads to serious resentment against those who have one: life seems unfair, and envy eats away all the strength.

How to help?

It is important to catch that moment when normal worries, worries and hopes to turn against you, turning into monsters that prevent you from living normally. Even if it seems to you that it is a normal process and there is nothing to be done about it, think about it: because even your bad emotional state can be the reason that you simply cannot conceive, no matter how hard you try.

A woman’s body – it’s not just a biological mechanism with a firmly structured relationship. It is a harmony of mind and body, through which happiness is achieved.

To fight with experiences, you should not hold them back, but give them an exit. The main thing is that this exit should be competent and not cause harm to anyone around you. To start, try to find the right words, which will convey exactly all that you feel. As you know, voiced problems become half as much, and you will really feel better once you articulate how you feel.